Sometimes beauty comes from tragedy. Poly-Anna was a beautiful, sweet soul. She was special, different than most. She grew up with a rare pancreatic illness. After being in an abusive relationship, Poly-Anna’s husband murdered her. I created Pollyanna’s Place in honor of this wonderful woman. Everyone deserves a refuge from the sto
Sometimes beauty comes from tragedy. Poly-Anna was a beautiful, sweet soul. She was special, different than most. She grew up with a rare pancreatic illness. After being in an abusive relationship, Poly-Anna’s husband murdered her. I created Pollyanna’s Place in honor of this wonderful woman. Everyone deserves a refuge from the storms of life.
We believe sustainable change begins with our children. All children deserve to be resilient and have confidence in and love themselves despite society’s images and misconceptions of what is normal.
“If you spend your life trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.”
Pollyanna’s Place, Inc is based on Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, which views child development as a complex system of relationships that are affected by the surrounding environment ranging from the child’s immediate settings of family and school and expanding out to the broader cultural values, laws, and customs. Based
Pollyanna’s Place, Inc is based on Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, which views child development as a complex system of relationships that are affected by the surrounding environment ranging from the child’s immediate settings of family and school and expanding out to the broader cultural values, laws, and customs. Based on this, we create and facilitate individualized tools and strategies to support children and their families where they are in life. We intend to strengthen children’s ability to move through changes in their life by increased development of social emotional skills, conflict resolution and communication skills. These strategies support prevention research that states that children under the age of five are more likely to live in a household where trauma occurs than any other age group.
We believe in collective impact, so we partner with other organizations that support families and children. By partnering with others, the strengths of each organization come together to make the whole effort the best that it can be.
Rise2Shine alleviates the suffering of young children aged six months to five years from impoverished communities worldwide through the provision of quality childcare services which focus on tackling malnutrition, illiteracy, poor basic healthcare and local unemployment.
We exist to empower the Haitian church to build better communities and better relationships between God and man through Jesus Christ; and to help the Haitian people rise above dependencies and achieve personal sustainability through their own God-given resources.
RJAC’s model of organizing emphasizes deep leadership development to facilitate transformation on an individual, community and societal level. This approach is being developed by seasoned organizers who have identified the strengths and weaknesses of traditional social justice organizing and are working to create a model that is more effective, sustainable, democratic and is led by poor and working-class people of color. We are working very hard to build a people-centered organization that deeply understands the role of healing, trauma, and oppression (internalized and externalized) in our communities and organizations and which seeks to practice what it preaches in terms of democracy, transparency, and building a culture of empowerment.